Women’s Chamber President: Shen Yun Performers Dance with a Passion for Life

“It’s great to see the confidence and great passion of the performers demonstrated while dancing, which has made me very joyful!”
Women’s Chamber President: Shen Yun Performers Dance with a Passion for Life
Ms. Suqin Feng, who is engaged in fruit business, goes back Tainan especially to attend Shen Yun Performing Arts at Tainan Municipal Cultural Center, on the afternoon of March. 11. (Fangru Li/The Epoch Times)
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TAINAN, Taiwan—An eager audience greeted Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company at its third performance at Tainan’s Municipal Cultural Center Auditorium on March 9. Ms. Zhimei Liu, president of the Tainan Women Junior Chamber International, watched the performance with some of her friends. She praised Shen Yun, saying, “Shen Yun’s performers dance with a passion for life!”

Seeing Shen Yun for the first time, Ms. Liu said, “It’s really very touching! This kind of cultural activity should be widely supported!” As a ballroom dance lover, she paid special attention to the dance performances and noted, “It’s great to see the confidence and great passion of the performers demonstrated while dancing, which has made me very joyful!”

She said, “They really love their dancing! I think it is a blessing for people to have something they love. Their happiness also can bring people a lot of sunshine!”

Their dedication to their art and to their mission deeply touched her. She said, “They are so enthusiastic about their dancing; their training must be very demanding. I feel that they are really great!”

Ms. Liu said, “I have become very interested in cultural activities lately. I was very happy to come and enjoy the performance tonight with my friends who also love dancing. I hope more people can come to watch Shen Yun!”

Business Owner: Shen Yun ‘I am standing right in front of Heaven’

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Owner of Yutang Tea Shop, Ms. Huang, has watched Shen Yun Performing Arts for five years in a row. The first time she watched Shen Yun, she exclaimed, “It might as well be Heaven!” From then on, she brought her friends and family to the extravaganza each year. On March 10, she invited nine of her friends to watch the Shen Yun New York Company perform in Tainan.

After the performance, Ms. Huang’s face was glowing. She said, “This is my fifth time seeing it. Each time I can’t help thinking ‘Wow!’ I am simply moved. When they dance on the stage, it feels like I am standing right in front of Heaven!”

Ms. Huang read carefully the lyrics of the songs sung by the solo vocalists that were projected on the backdrop and pondered on their meaning. “It makes me think that people must learn how to embrace others. Falun Gong is a really good group and we misunderstood it before. I am so touched after watching the program and I really believe that, in the end, kindness will conquer evilness.”

Throughout the performance, in a collection of short pieces, the audience experiences the legends of the culture’s creation over 5,000 years ago through to the story of Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong) in China today.

“It says somewhere in the lyrics something like, ‘In times when you are depressed, there will be hope if you are kind and benevolent.’ I feel this is such a great philosophy that I can use in my daily life,” she said.

Ms. Huang was particularly impressed by the last program Before Disaster, the Divine is Rescuing. “When the bad guys were doing evil deeds, I saw the truth! The guidance! I think it was Heaven I saw; so many divine beings appeared! It is very encouraging and makes me believe that we must believe no matter what we do,” she said.

Shen Yun a Wonderland

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Ms. Suqin Feng, who lives in Taipei and is engaged in a fruit business, came to Tainan with her sister all the way from Taipei specially to see Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company playing at the Tainan Municipal Cultural Center on the afternoon of March 11. She praised Shen Yun, saying, “All the programs were very beautiful and beyond words.”

Ms. Feng said: “From costumes and performers, to dancing movements, the entire performance was extraordinary beautiful! The actors were simply like fairies, and their dancing movements were fabulous and beyond human words. The piece where the fairies were dancing brought the audience to a wonderland. It’s really very beautiful!”

In the program, Flower Fairies, according to the program, “flower blossoms transform into fluttering fairies to join in ethereal dance. Performers glide across the stage like petals adrift in the wind, airy and almost weightless, they evoke a divine grandeur.”

“It was so touching that I shed tears from time to time,” said Ms. Feng.

She was fascinated by the program Mu Guiying Commands The Troops, and said that she was familiar with the story. In the dance, although suffering from the pain and sorrow of bereavement, Mu Guiying still goes to war. Her great deed of allegiance to the country was especially touching, said Ms. Feng.

Another program that deeply moved Ms. Feng was The Dafa Practitioner’s Magical Encounter. She said, “When Falun Dafa spread widely, followers of Falun Dafa withstood wicked people’s repeated persecution, and remained steadfast in their belief, and finally Buddhas and the divine descended to the human world to save them. Seeing Buddhas and the divine flying down from the heavens was really very touching.”

Reporting by Weiqiang Yan & Joseph Wu and Sun Kuo-Ying & Lin Hsin-Yi and Fangru Li

Shen Yun Performing Arts, based in New York, tours the world on a mission to revive traditional Chinese culture. Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company will perform in seven cities in Taiwan until April 8 and then continue to top venues in Australia and New Zealand.

For more information visit ShenYunPerformingArts.org


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