An Alabama woman nearly died after delivering identical triplets, which happens only in one in 20 million births.
Amber Ertley’s girls shared the same amniotic sac and placenta, and she delivered the first two babies through a caesaren section. When the third girl was delivered, she had difficulties. Her husband, Levi Nelson, said Ertley’s heart stopped twice.

“It was the scariest moment of my life,” Nelson told of the incident. “I was afraid I was going to be be-bopping home with three new babies and no momma.”
Ertley was sedated and hooked up to a breathing tube.

The girls, Norah, Rylan, and Remi, weighed 4 pounds each and didn’t need IV fluids or oxygen.
As a result of her medical condition, the family set up a GoFundMe page.

“I just want to say WOW at all the nice caring people in this world! We have raised over $9k and more just keeps coming in! Please continue to keep Amber in your prayers, she still has a large blood clot on her lungs,” the operator of the page said earlier this week. “They are trying to get rid of it with medication and many doctor visits, which she is having to pay out of pocket for this and your donations are helping tremendously.”