Woman Wins Bravery Award for Fighting Sex Attacker With Keys

A South Yorkshire woman fought off an attacker by cutting into his face with her keys—leaving him with two black eyes and numerous gashes to his face.
Woman Wins Bravery Award for Fighting Sex Attacker With Keys
Jonathon Holmes (Property of South Yorkshire Police)

A 21-year-old South Yorkshire woman, whose identity cannot be revealed, fought off an attacker by cutting into his face with her keys—leaving him with two black eyes and several gashes to his face.

“You won’t do that to another woman again,” the woman told her attacker.

The woman testified in court saying, she was 'so terrified, but angry.'

She has received a bravery award from South Yorkshire Superintendent Scott Green at an award ceremony, according to Independent:

You displayed an astonishing level of bravery during this investigation. Your actions undoubtedly deterred the offender from continuing his assault and your detailed recollection of such a traumatic event, led to the arrest, conviction, and imprisonment of a very dangerous criminal.

“As a husband, father of a daughter and on behalf of every woman in this city, I commend you,” Green said.

“On behalf of South Yorkshire Police we recognize your bravery, selflessness and truly outstanding courage in helping make this city a safer place for every woman in it,” Green added.

Johnathon Holmes, 35, followed the woman on the streets of Sheffield, England—on Nov. 1, 2015—pushing her into the brushes with the intention of sexually assaulting her. 

“You’re going to enjoy this,” he told her.

The woman testified in court saying she was “so terrified, but angry,” referring to when she cut the attacker’s neck and throat.

Holmes pleaded guilty to charges of sexual assault at Sheffield Crown Court and was sentenced to four and a half years in prison.