A woman who lives near Portland, Oregon, left a very polite note for burglars who kept stealing her car.
The letter explains that his vehicle was towed several times.
And apparently, the letter worked---they listened.
She wrote:
“If you’re reading this, you are probably stealing my car. I’m a nice person and likely would you have given you a ride, but obviously we’re past that.
I would love to afford a car that doesn’t get stolen and burglarized all the time, but I’m broke and this is what I’m stuck with. So, you got me. Again.
You’re not going to get into trouble for stealing my car. As long as you don’t [expletive] around and a kill a pedestrian, you'll just leave this somewhere and go about your business. Nobody investigates this tomfoolery.
One quick favor: please do not leave my car somewhere if it will get towed. If I have to deal with one more [expletive] impound lot holding my stolen [expletive] Honda for ransom, I am going to lose my mind.
And my car, because I can’t afford to keep bailing it out of car jail. If I had any money I would just go buy a [expletive] car that wasn’t constantly getting stolen in the first place.
Please just leave my old piece of [expletive] car in a neighborhood or something.”
The person said that it’s a “win-win” for both, as he won’t have to deal with police reports and insurance.

“I don’t have to deal with police reports, insurance claims and tow trucks, and you don’t have to feel like a jerk for ruining the month of a nice person,” she also said in her Reddit post.
Lower Car Insurance?
Meanwhile, before you buy a new car, compare the insurance prices.
“Car insurance premiums are based in part on the car’s price, the cost to repair it, its overall safety record and the likelihood of theft. Many insurers offer discounts for features that reduce the risk of injuries or theft,” its website says.