Woman Gives Birth on Plane, Names Newborn After Airline

Woman Gives Birth on Plane, Names Newborn After Airline

One child will always have a unique connection to one airline. 

On April 22, a female passenger of Jetstar Asia’s 3K583 flight—traveling from Singapore to Yangon, Myanmar—went into labor and delivered a baby boy onboard the aircraft. 

In honor of the Jetstar crew who helped the woman deliver her child, the mother named her son “Saw Jet Star.”

An April 26 post on the airline’s official Facebook page announced the arrival of the 6-pound, 7-ounce baby boy. 

The mother and son were brought to a Yangon hospital; as of April 26, both mother and son are in “good health,” and have been discharged from the hospital. 

The Jetstar crew who helped the woman—along with three medical doctors—was led by Customer Service Manager Saw Ler Htu, who “exercised most care and concern for the passenger.”

Saw Jet Star is the first child to be delivered on a Jetstar Asia flight and his family has been given $1,000 SGD ($743 USD) worth of baby supplies by the airline. 

On April 28, Saw Ler Htu visited the newborn and his family and delivered the promised childcare goods. 

The infant can be seen below wearing an orange bodysuit decked out with the Jetstar logo.