Witness a Taste of the Future of Driving

The future of driving is approaching with big steps. With 3G cars became more interactive, yet they depended mainly on tethering with a mobile device.

The future of driving is approaching with big steps. With 3G cars became more interactive, yet they depended mainly on tethering with a mobile device. Now, with 4G spreading wider and wider, carmakers like Audi and GM produce cars that have built-in 4G SIMs. Here are the most important things to know about 4G in your car and why you might want to get this new service.

1) Data Gathering: This could range from anything you wouldn´t want your carmaker to know to some things that really perform magic for you. So it is to be seen whether it´s just going to be invasive or a real improvement to your driving.

2) Better In-Car-Hotspots

3) Over-The-Air Updates: Other than Tesla nobody has done anything of the likes. So it is to be seen whether you will have to download different Operating Systems over the lifecycle of your car or not

4) Connection Speed: A fast connection is very rewarding in your car, as it will allow you to focus on exactly that - driving.

5) Persistent connection: A built-in connection will change what we expect from a car. It´s time for the car to be our next mobile device.

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