Wife of Chinese Rights Activist Announces Hunger Strike

Wife of Chinese Rights Activist Announces Hunger Strike

On February 25, Zen Jinyan, wife of Hu Jia, made an online announcement stating that she began a hunger strike and will continue until the return of her husband. Hu Jia, a famous rights activist for AIDS patients in China, and Qi Zhiyong, a rights activist handicapped during the June 4 Massacre, were both kidnapped on February 16 by people with unknown identities.

A few days later, Qi Zhiyong’s family members received a call informing them of Qi’s detention by the CCP authorities. However, Hu’s whereabouts remain unknown. Wife Zen Jinyan went to the Public Security Bureau several times to report her husband as missing, but the police refused to register the case. Hu has been missing for 10 days. Hu’s friends are really worried about the situation, and call for urgent attention from international media, human rights groups, and foreign governments to prevent a tragedy from happening.

The following is the hunger strike statement that Zen Jinyan published on her online blog:

A Decision

To my surprise, I fell asleep! Feeling paralyzed on the couch, I didn’t how many hours have passed. As if in an icehouse, I felt cold, and then suddenly restless and hot.

Buddha! Since you have granted me the ability to think, and spiritual strength, why also did you give me a troublesome human body? Why did you give me a heart that bleeds from time to time? Please take back this human body!

I have made a decision. From now on, besides water, I won’t eat or drink anything. I will fast until the moment Hu Jia comes back. I must experience the pain he is enduring, and then I will understand and love him more.

I have unplugged the phone jack, and I won’t pick up the phone.

I am tired.

Everyone says he will come back safe. Does “safe” mean “alive”? Or does it mean no harm will come to his spirit and his body?


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