Why You Should Not Feed Chocolate to Dogs

Epoch Video

In addition to being delicious, chocolate has been found to have a number of mood and health-boosting benefits for humans.  Dogs, on the other hand, don’t fare quite so well after scarfing down the sweet treat.

According to a video published by the American Chemical Society, chocolate, especially the dark variety, contains a molecule called Theobromine. In people, the substance acts as a quick pick-me-up, sending all sorts of activating signals to the brain.

However, dogs metabolize it differently , resulting in prolonged effects and a potential impact on the central nervous system.

Should poisoning occur, signs, including vomiting, elevated temperature, seizures, and diarrhea, can take between 6 and 12 hours to present. If they do, a veterinarian should be called immediately.

Though longing dog–and cat–faces can be hard to resist, experts advise not sharing your candy with them. Of course, pets don’t always wait to be formally invited to take a nibble of something before diving in face first. It’s also a good idea to store chocolate-loaded foods in places they cannot access.

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