A Dance Competition Threatens a Regime

The Epoch Times recently reported that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) issued a secret order that opposes the Fifth International Classical Chinese Dance Competition.
A Dance Competition Threatens a Regime
Miranda Zhou-Galati performs in the finals of NTDTV'S Classical Dance Competition (Bing Dai/The Epoch Times)
<a><img class="wp-image-1785332" title="Miranda Zhou-Galati performs in the finals of NTDTV'S Classical Dance Competition (Bing Dai/The Epoch Times)" src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/ddb1630.jpg" alt="Miranda Zhou-Galati performs in the finals of NTDTV'S Classical Dance Competition (Bing Dai/The Epoch Times)" width="260" height="413"/></a>
Miranda Zhou-Galati performs in the finals of NTDTV'S Classical Dance Competition (Bing Dai/The Epoch Times)

The Epoch Times recently reported that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) issued a secret order that opposes the Fifth International Classical Chinese Dance Competition hosted by New Tang Dynasty Television.

In recent years, the CCP has adopted many methods to try to sabotage and interfere with NTD Television’s global competitions. These nine competitions, including culinary, couture and voice competitions, are dedicated to the “renaissance of traditional Chinese culture and performing arts,” according to NTD’s website.

The CCP’s attempts at sabotage have all been done in devious ways, as the CCP would never dare to fight against the global competitions openly.

Audiences who have watched classical Chinese dance during the NTD Television competitions all highly praise the skill, dedication, and pure beauty presented in it.

I own the video collections of two international classical Chinese dance competitions. Every time I watch them my soul is uplifted. I was thrilled by the beautiful performances and the positive message presented through the dancers’ movements. I believe that everyone who has watched classical Chinese dance may share the same feelings.

Classical Chinese dance has also been presented by Shen Yun Performing Arts over the last few years, and it is recognized as one of the top dance performances worldwide. Audience feedback from the shows has been astounding, and the performances have been critically acclaimed by people from nearly all ethnic backgrounds and social strata.

The DVDs of Shen Yun shows are spreading in mainland China, and are highly esteemed by Chinese people living there.

The Chinese regime has tried to sabotage performances by Shen Yun Performing Arts, much as it does with the NTD Television classical Chinese dance competitions, by attempting to convince the venue to cancel the shows, for example.

Why does the CCP try to sabotage these beautiful Chinese dance performances? And why don’t they dare to do so publicly?

The answer will become clear if we make a comparison with what is presented in classical Chinese dance in the CCP’s propaganda dance shows.

Classical Chinese dance is deeply rooted in the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization. What it represents are the essential values of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism.

The core principle of Confucianism is forbearance. The principles of benevolence, justice, appropriateness, wisdom, and trustworthiness in that school are all derived from it. The essence of Buddha’s school is compassion, which displays kindness and altruism to all. The core principle of the Dao school is truthfulness, which presents the characteristics of pure serenity, nonaction, honesty, and frankness.

Classical Chinese dance’s ability of powerful presentation—such as telling a story while portraying the depth of various characters in each dance—not only provides the audience with artistic enjoyment and amusement, but also purifies their souls and brings them a spiritual transcendence. The essential principles of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance presented in the dances imperceptibly rectify people’s minds and uplift their spirits.

CCP dance shows, however, blend art with the idea of using literature and art to serve politics. And the CCP’s politics are not uplifting.

The CCP’s musical The East Is Red is described as a revolutionary epic. With only the single color of red seen on stage, and with young men and women with looks of hatred twisting their bodies while waving knives and guns; it appears like a host of demons dancing. The message from the dance to the audience is violence, blood, and hatred. This kind of dance releases negativity.

Other CCP dances, like The White-Haired Girl, and Red Detachment of Women use the dance styles of ballet to depict the culture of the CCP, which is full of violence, blood, and hatred.

It is obvious that the origin, expression, and content of Chinese classical dance and the CCP dances are totally different.

For this reason, NTD’s dance competition, which aims to promote the core principles of truthfulness, compassion and forbearance, has been targeted by the CCP. NTD’s dance competition is a thorn in the CCP’s side, and it will only feel content when the NTD dance competition has been destroyed.

But full of timidity, the CCP has to use crafty means. It issues a secret internal order threatening Chinese dancers not to sign up for the competition, and it also adopts gangster-like tricks to scare theaters in foreign countries into rejecting rental applications.

But things have gone contrary to the CCP’s wishes, despite its efforts to interfere with the NTD dance competition. For the past five years, NTD’s dance competition has become the most authoritative international Chinese dance competition.

This year, the Joffrey Academy of Dance in New York is sponsoring the NTD dance competition. As the NTD Television International Chinese Classical Dance Competition attracts talented dancers from across the world to participate in the competition, it has also become a pilgrimage for young dancers aspiring to become the best.

Read the original Chinese article.

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