Why Did Gu Kailai Personally Kill Neil Heywood?

The only thing that threatened Gu Kailai and her family was the legitimacy of the CCP itself in connection to her.
Why Did Gu Kailai Personally Kill Neil Heywood?
<a><img class="wp-image-1783288" title="Ousted Bo Xilai and his wife Gu Kailai" src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/Bo_Xilai_and_wife_Gu_Kailai.jpg" alt="Ousted Bo Xilai and his wife Gu Kailai" width="590"/></a>
Ousted Bo Xilai and his wife Gu Kailai

The murder of a British businessman by the wife of an ambitious Chinese Communist regime leader raises many questions. Gu Kailai’s high-profile trial was all over in seven hours on Aug. 9 with no verdict released.

One of the most intriguing questions is why Gu Kailai, wife of Bo Xilai, killed Neil Heywood with her own two hands.

Update: Gu Kailai Given Suspended Death Sentence

Gu claims that Heywood threatened her son’s safety, and that she had to kill Heywood to protect her son. Other reasons have been suggested like financial disputes and emotional entanglements. However, a closer look shows that none of these really hold water.

In reality, the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) highest governing body—the Politburo—and its judicial system have been doing everything in their power to keep Gu’s real crimes under wraps. They fear that if the true story is known, it would unravel deep and far-reaching crimes perpetrated by the Party and former leader Jiang Zemin—namely, the unprecedented mass murder and live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners.

Let’s think about this: who is Gu Kailai’s son? He is Bo Guagua, son of Bo Xilai, who was being groomed by the CCP’s most ruthless faction to become the next Party leader.

The CCP is the world’s largest and bloodiest organized crime network. For someone like Neil Heywood to threaten Bo Xilai’s son, that’s like a lamb threatening a cub in a den of tigers.

Suppose Heywood really did threaten Bo Guagua. Even if that were true, Gu wouldn’t have needed to carry out Heywood’s murder herself.

In 2007, the son of a former Politburo member, Wu Guanzheng, was assassinated in a hotel room, but to this day it is unclear who did it. If the son of a powerful official can be knocked off without a trace, killing Heywood would have been a doddle. The murder would have been carried out seamlessly and no one would have ever linked his death with Bo Xilai’s family.

So let’s say that Gu Kailai killed Heywood for financial reasons. This also seems absurd. Bo and Gu have overseas assets worth at least US$6 billion. Giving a small fraction to Heywood as commission would not have been an issue. So, why would they really need to kill him?

The only thing that threatened Gu Kailai and her family was the legitimacy of the CCP itself in connection to her. That legitimacy will be left in tatters if the truth is revealed about the horrific crimes that Gu orchestrated: live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners and the sale of corpses.

Seeking rapid promotion via Jiang Zemin, who masterminded the persecution of Falun Gong starting in 1999, Gu and Bo were highly active participants. They transferred Falun Gong practitioners to Liaoning Province, harvested organs from living practitioners and sold their organs, effectively massacring thousands of people. And Neil Heywood was involved in these hideous crimes.

By overseeing these atrocities, the CCP has directly violated the international human rights standards established following the Nazis’ crimes against humanity and genocide during World War II. Or, to put it another way, the CCP has completely and blatantly undermined the fundamental moral foundation of the modern world.

If the Chinese public knew the truth, it would wake up and demand the CCP answer for its crimes. Likewise, most of the world’s democratic countries would not idly stand by and allow this to continue. Any democratic government that ignored the CCP’s crimes would be voted out by its people.

Then, why would a powerful woman personally commit murder?

Neil Heywood’s knowledge of these dirty secrets would have plagued his conscience, urging him to confess. So Gu Kailai really couldn’t risk letting him live.

The intense fear that Neil Heywood might expose the truth would have definitely made Gu kill Heywood personally. These are the real reasons behind her murderous act.

This is a deep-running and complicated case, but strangely the trial was carried out very quickly, which makes no sense from a legal perspective.

The brevity of the trial shows that Gu’s case threatens the very survival of the CCP, which does not dare face up to nor bear responsibility for the underlying secrets. This also explains why the CCP would help Gu Kailai cover up the truth, otherwise the entire CCP would face its demise alongside Bo Xilai and Gu Kailai.

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