Whoopi Goldberg Riled Up About Ben Carson’s Decision to Endorse Trump

Whoopi Goldberg Riled Up About Ben Carson’s Decision to Endorse Trump
Whoopi Goldberg (Photo by Monica Schipper/Getty Images for NYCWFF)

Former GOP presidential candidate, Ben Carson, stirred some controversy when he endorsed Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump earlier this month.

Whoopi Goldberg got to the bottom of it during Thursday’s interview on “The View.”

You're Ben Carson! You're so much better than this!
Whoopi Goldberg

“I hate to ask this question, but you have aligned yourself with a man who has bashed women, made countless racist remarks. And you’re Ben Carson! Why would you align yourself with that?” Goldberg asked.

Carson casually said, although Trump has some flaws, “there is no perfect person” and he’s looking “at the big picture.”

“You’re Ben Carson! You’re so much better than this!” a confused Whoopi Goldberg told the neurosurgeon.

“You have to look at the good and the bad,” the neurosurgeon said.

During the show, Trump live tweeted and said, “Explain how the women on The View, which is a total disaster since the great Barbara Walters left, ever got their jobs. @abc is wasting time.”

“I’m sorry. He’s a racist, and he’s not good for the country,” Goldberg said, clearly frustrated. “And I’m sorry, I just don’t understand.”

Joy Behar also barged in on the discussion:

When you're very nice, respectful, you talk about the real issues ... Where does it get you?
Ben Carson

“If you’re going to overlook the things he says about women, and you’re going to overlook the things he said about African-Americans, what about the things he said about you?” she asked. “He even compared you to a child molester … Unless you say you’re a child molester, he’s a liar.”

Carson agreed that Trump had in fact lied. However, in defense of the rambunctious businessman, Carson said all politicians lie.