Where is George Zimmerman?

Where is George Zimmerman?
Zachary Stieber

George Zimmerman, possibly the most-discussed person in the United States, may not be residing in Florida any longer after he was last publicly seen in Texas being pulled over on July 28.

He told police officers that he was headed “nowhere in particular.” And his lawyers said on Twitter soon after his encounter with police came to light on July 31 that “For his safety, we won’t make any comments about #Zimmerman’s whereabouts, and we will work to protect his privacy.”

George’s older brother Robert Zimmerman Jr., who has been vocal on social media and in speaking with media outlets in his defense of George, said that the family has been receiving many death threats. 

“We all continue to take our security seriously and to ensure our safety in accordance with the law,” Zimmerman Jr. said.

George Zimmerman was recently acquitted of any wrongdoing in the 2012 shooting of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black youth, in a Florida neighborhood. Zimmerman and Martin got into a fight which ended when Zimmerman shot Martin, which Zimmerman said was in self-defense.

With Zimmerman identifying as part-Hispanic and part-White and Martin being black, the case ignited racial tensions across the nation. 

Zimmerman Jr. told Breitbart News that the psychological impact of the case has been rough. 

“No one has really asked us to get into the psychological aspect of this,” said Zimmerman Jr. “You don’t know if some one stops you in public and says, ‘excuse me sir,’ you don’t know if you dropped your wallet or if someone recognizes you and wants to kill you.”

The family monitors social media and became more distraught after, according to Zimmerman Jr., Roseanne Barr tweeted his retired parents’ home address. 

“We have to monitor social media and the internet to see if there are any rallies nearby that pose a specific threat and we avoid them,” said Zimmerman Jr. “The death threats usually come on social media, some are emailed. There’s a lot of ‘you better watch your back, I know where u are, I’m going to get you.’”



Zachary Stieber
Zachary Stieber
Senior Reporter
Zachary Stieber is a senior reporter for The Epoch Times based in Maryland. He covers U.S. and world news. Contact Zachary at [email protected]