All living organisms are electrochemical in nature. Humans, animals, insects, plants, and even microscopic organisms generate weak electric and magnetic fields. These fields are essential to perform the constant tasks that keep the organism alive and responding to its environment. Like the Earth itself, we are electromagnetic, and our bodies are composed entirely of Earth materials. The rhythms, melodies, and harmonies of life can be seen as an electromagnetic interaction between all living things.
If our physiology is interfered with, it can disorient and even put a halt to these intricate biological processes and create dysfunction on a microscopic and macroscopic level. Disorient is a good word for this process because many species rely on the orientation of the Earth’s magnetic field for daily and seasonal navigation. This is especially true of bees and migrating birds, for which natural magnetism is a force that instructs their movement, in addition to other environmental cues.
As humans, our minds and cultural programming often get in the way of our instinctive and sensitive perception, and many of us lose the ability to directly perceive subtle energies in the way that animals can.
Some suggest that a small but significant subset of humans can still perceive subtle electromagnetic phenomena. Their bodies are more sensitive, and speak loudly over any mental interference that may be present, to deliver a message that needs to be heard. These people are the “canaries in the coal mine,” so to speak.
What Is Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity?
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome (EHS) is also known as microwave syndrome. There is no set of specific, definite symptoms that all EHS sufferers experience. Some suggest that this is because EMFs affect the body as a whole, and the symptoms generally show up where any individual body has a genetic predisposition or injury.Reported symptoms include headaches, chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, disturbed sleep, tinnitus, heart irregularities, brain fog, and digestive issues.
It may be difficult to determine that these symptoms are caused by EMFs and not from other harmful environmental factors or personal health issues, since any one of the symptoms listed above can have a variety of causes. The chief indicative factor for EHS sufferers is that their symptoms increase in the presence of higher levels of EMFs or around specific EMF sources with fields that may be especially triggering for that individual, like Wifi, smart meters or high-voltage power lines.
A conservative estimate is that 5–10 percent of the world population suffers from mild to extreme EHS. Some speculate that the prevalence may be closer to 20 percent of the population—especially considering those who harbor a multitude of chronic “mystery” symptoms and do not know about the dangers of electromagnetic fields, thus not even considering EMF as the root cause.
According to personal accounts, most of the time, EHS sufferers have other health issues and are also sensitive to other environmental exposures. Many of those struggling with the condition have Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, which means they are sensitive to chemicals contained in conventional cleaning products, personal care products, pesticides, herbicides, air pollution, smoke, and more. They may also have a chronic health issue like Lyme disease or a chronic viral infection, as well as heavy metal toxicity.
These issues might increase sensitivity and vulnerability to electromagnetic fields. EHS and its combination of co-factors may severely limit what that person can do in the world, since a variety of exposure types trigger them.
How Can EHS Sufferers Heal and Recover?
Although the healing process can be complex and prolonged, many EHS sufferers have found relief by minimizing EMF exposure while simultaneously increasing resilience through nutrition and lifestyle changes.Cultivating “EMF hygiene,” such as never talking with a cell phone up to your head or keeping your phone against your body, turning off Wifi when you’re not using it, or having your smart meter replaced with an analog or older digital meter, could go a long way. Many EMF-sensitive people find ways to replace their Wifi with a wired connection, as well as swapping out their cell phone with a landline, reducing their overall EMF exposure levels.
Reducing metal loads makes your body a weaker antenna, so your body will become less conductive to the EMFs in your environment.
Introducing a high-quality EMF protection device like Blushield—to give the body a healthy, biologically coherent frequency field on which to anchor—can significantly reduce the harmful effects of EMFs. Our bodies are accustomed to the infinitely varied coherent fields that exist in nature, and this external frequency field keeps our own bodies regulated and functioning optimally. The problem is that the harmful EMFs are considerably stronger in amplitude than the natural background EMFs, consequently drowning them out.
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