Charges Faced by Bradley Manning

Charges Faced by Bradley Manning
In this courtroom sketch, Army Pfc. Bradley Manning watches at left as his defense attorney, David Coombs, right, speaks in front of military judge Army Col. Denise Lind on the opening day of Manning's court martial in Fort Meade, Md., Monday, June 3, 2013. Manning, who was arrested three years ago, is charged with indirectly aiding the enemy by sending troves of classified material to WikiLeaks. He faces up to life in prison. (AP Photo/William Hennessy)

Private Bradley Manning faces 21 charges, and has already pled guilty to some of them.

A trial that started on June 3 has military prosecutors trying to prove that Manning aided the enemy through his document leaks, which carries a potential death sentence, though prosecutors have said they will only press for life in prison.

Manning has already pled guilty or faced the following charges:

• Theft of 700 records (not guilty) and unauthorized possession of more than three classified files regarding Guantánamo Bay from the United States Southern Command database (guilty to lesser included offense)

• Theft of a State Department cable called “"Reykjavik-13”, that was protected under an executive order. (guilty to lesser included offense)

• Theft of more than 250,000 State Department cables (Not Guilty) and more than 75 classified cables that were made classified under an executive order (guilty to Lesser Included Offense)

• Theft of more than 380,000 records (not guilty) and unauthorized possession of more than 20 classified Iraq War documents from the Combined Information Data Network Exchange Iraq database  (property of the United States government). (guilty to lesser included offense)

• Unauthorized possession of CIA “Red Cell” classified memorandum (guilty to lesser included offense)

• Unauthorized possession of more than 20 classified Afghanistan War records. (guilty to lesser included offense)

• Unauthorized possession of more than 5 classified records detailing operations in Farah, Afghanistan. (guilty to lesser included offense)

• Unauthorized possession of a classified record regarding United States Army Intelligence. (guilty to lesser included offense)