Soldier’s Memory Lives On in Afghanistan

The parents of slain army officer are donating a well to bring clean water to hundreds in an Afghan village.
Soldier’s Memory Lives On in Afghanistan
Forrest Ewens, a first lieutenant in the U.S. Army, was killed in the line of duty in 2006 when a vehicle he was riding in was hit by an improvised explosive device during combat operations.

Ewens was laid to rest in Arlington National Cementary over two years ago, but his mission to help the Afghan people has taken on a new life in the form of a well that was built in his honor to bring clean water to 500 families in the remote Samady Village in Badakhshan Province in northeast Afghanistan.

“Forrest had a real heart for the children in Afghanistan,” Ewens’ mother, Carol, said. “When he wrote home, he would write more about the help he was able to provide to the local people rather than his military adventures.”

Thanks to Forrest’s parents, Michael and Carol Ewens of Gig Harbor, Washington, the well means the community now has clean drinking water and sanitation facilities.

Before the well was built, the people of the village—especially girls—had to walk to nearby villages to get water. They often waited several hours in long lines to take home only a few gallons of water. If water was not available, children and their families would rely on river water, which carries the risk of water-borne diseases.

The Ewens, who have been active contributors to Christian Children’s Fund (CCF) since 1992, wanted to provide funding for a well near the area where Forrest was killed.

“Being a soldier is a hard occupation and Forrest walked that path with honor,” Michael Ewens said. “He got to build relationships with the locals, and his captain said when Afghan elders would come to the base Forrest was one of three soldiers they asked for by name.”

The well was completed in September with Forrest’s name stenciled on it.

Forrest’s three brothers are also in the Army—Oaken, 27, Elisha, 25, and Stephen 23. Oaken, Forrest’s twin, was deployed this month to serve in Afghanistan and Elisha will deploy there in January.

“We pray for peace to finally come to these people (in Afghanistan),” said Carol Ewens. “We hope to have the privilege of visiting there one day.”

CCF has worked in northern Afghanistan since 2001 under the name of ChildFund Afghanistan. Their projects are focused on community development and involve building or renovating schools and health clinics as well as training teachers and health workers.

“Afghanistan is still considered one of the most dangerous places in the world to be a child,” said Anne Edgerton, CCF’s director of Child Protection/Emergency Response.

“However, ChildFund Afghanistan is well-positioned to address widespread threats to children’s well-being and in a way that strengthens communities and helps the Afghan government transition to long-term development.”

The Badakhshan Province is one of the poorest and most remote areas of Afghanistan. More than 80 percent of the children do not have access to clean water, something that is changing with the construction of wells.

“We wanted to pursue Forrest’s mission of stability for the Afghan people,” Michael Ewens said of their donation.

“It is especially encouraging to us to see that our decision to be involved in CCF long ago has been so worthwhile,” Carol Ewens said.