Ways to Quit Smoking Tobacco

Ways to Quit Smoking Tobacco
Joe Fortunato

Smoking is something that has come to the forefront of bad habits that one wants to quit. Everybody has seen commercials taking about the dangers of smoking cigarettes. Cigarette smoking has had a stigma attached to it that smokers are dirty and have little self-control. As somebody who has smoked in the past, I will go over the ways that are advised to quit smoking over the course of time.


E-Cigarettes have become popular almost overnight because of their numerous benefits. The vapor that somebody smokes is much less harsh on the lungs and decreases the chances of mouth and lung cancer. The fact that one can wean themselves off of nicotine is an attractive option to many smokers. With electronic cigarettes you have the ability to choose the nicotine levels in the liquid that is put into the chamber of the electronic device. Slowly weaning the nicotine levels down is a viable option to get yourself off of your nicotine addiction. Many people like having something to smoke to meet their oral fixation. If you want to check out these vaporizers and best portable vaporizers, you are only 1 search on the internet away.

Support Lines

Quitting smoking for many is not possible by themselves. There are numerous phone numbers to call that can help you with the journey of quitting smoking. These support lines are for people who are trying to quit and even those who quit smoking years ago and are thinking they are going to relapse. You can even enlist a “quit coach” who has helped uncountable people to stay off of tobacco.  Tobacco Free Florida is somewhere where you can find information about tobacco and information on how to help you quit.

Nicotine Patches

Nicotine patches are designed to help you with the cravings that you have to smoke. These like the electronic cigarettes have different dosages of nicotine which makes weaning yourself off of your nicotine addiction slowly very possible. Many smokers have issues when they encounter a craving when they are out or around others who are smoking. These patches can be worn in places where nobody can see while helping you with cravings and keeping your nicotine levels up.

Nicotine Gum

Nicotine gum is very similar to nicotine patches but differ in one large facet. This gum can be chewed immediately and you do not have to plan this but rather just have the gum on hand. Nicotine gum helps curb the cravings and can be chewed everywhere without having friends or family noticing. The difference between the patch and gum is just that of personal preference. There are many brands of gum with different nicotine levels which makes weaning very easy and portable.

As you can see, you are not a victim of your nicotine addiction. In the past, there was not all of these options which made quitting smoking a much more formidable task. If one of these options does not work in your goal to quit smoking, then move to the next one because there isn’t one path that fits all.

Joe Fortunato
Joe Fortunato
Joe Fortunato is a freelance writer based out of Tampa, Florida. He enjoys writing on whatever issues life may throw his way, long walks on the beach, bass fishing, and coaching youth baseball.