Watch Jon Hamm Get Rejected in ‘90’s Dating Show


Jon Hamm, a successful actor, is considered one of the most attractive men alive. Jon Hamm as Don Draper is considered one of the most successful, womanizing personas of the fictional Mad Men-era 1960s.

But in the mid-1990s, Jon Hamm was just a 20-something-year-old waiter trying to make it in Hollywood. And in 1996, floppy-haired Jon Hamm was rejected twice on a terrible USA Network dating show.

Two single women passed on the to-be-American sex symbol, turning down his proposal of fabulous food, foot massages, and evenings of fabulocity. Mary instead chose Marc, a 28-year-old stuntman, and Shonia passed in favor of a 21-year-old finance major.

Poor 25-year-old Jon Hamm. Hopefully his many, many Emmy nominations and Man of the Year titles give him some solace.

The Big Date, hosted by Mark L. Walberg, aired until late 1997.