Watch: James Harden has Triple Double Denied Twice by Own Teammate


Now you don’t see things like this too often.

With 1:49 left in the 4th and the Rockets up 108-93 over the Nuggets, the Rockets already had the game in the bag.

But there was one more saga that had yet to be resolved - whether James Harden could get that elusive triple double.

With a total of 24 points, 9 rebounds, and 10 assists, all Harden needed was one more rebound.

The first opportunity occurred with 1:43 left in the fourth quarter when the Nugget’s Kenneth Faried, and the Rocket’s Harden and Trevor Ariza went for the rebound together. Though Harden ended up with the ball, the three of them had gotten caught up, so a jump-ball was administered.

Later, after Nick Johnson missed with :58 left, one could see Harden rushing in to get the offensive board, though here it’s understandable that he didn’t end up with it, as offensive rebounds are generally harder to get

Then after a missed shot with :46 left, it looked like a prime opportunity for Harden to get that rebound, but it almost looks like fellow teammate deliberately Troy Daniels swats it away from him to have the rebound for himself.

Then, on what looked like Harden’s final opportunity after a missed three by Darrel Arthur with :12 sec again, Harden again leaps with for the rebound only to be interfered with by who else - Troy Daniels. The ball ended up going out of bounds, with the possession going back to Denver.

*Insert Dwight Howard laughing*

“Troy’s not paying attention. He’s not paying attention! He just took that ball away from Harden, and that just gets everybody on the bench cracked up...everyone knew but Troy!”- Commentator

But the story ends with a happy ending, as Kenneth Faried would toss up an airball with just a second left in the game, almost handing Harden his 10th rebound just as the buzzer sounds.

Coincidence much? Faried was Harden’s teammate on team USA, and some suspect Faried was purposely tossing a gift to his former FIBA teammate.