Videos of the Day: Trump: News on Recapture of ISIS Land Expected ‘Soon’

Epoch Newsroom

Trump: News on Recapture of ISIS Land Expected ‘Soon’

President Donald Trump said Wednesday the ISIS group’s caliphate “has been decimated.” And he said his administration could announce as early as next week that the U.S. and coalition partners have reclaimed 100 percent of the ISIS caliphate.

“The United States military, our coalition partners and the Syrian Democratic Forces have liberated virtually all of the territory previously held by ISIS in Syria and Iraq.” “Their land is gone. It’s a big factor. Their land is gone.”

Trump gave remarks at the State Department to foreign ministers and senior officials from a 79-member U.S.-led coalition battling the ISIS group.

“It should be formally announced, sometime, probably next week, that we will have 100 percent of the caliphate, but I want to wait for the official word. I don’t want to say it too early.”

U.S. troops and Syrian Democratic Forces are seen during a patrol near Turkish border in Syria, on Nov. 4, 2018. (Reuters/Rodi Said)
U.S. troops and Syrian Democratic Forces are seen during a patrol near Turkish border in Syria, on Nov. 4, 2018. (Reuters/Rodi Said)

Trump: Appreciate Positive SOTU Comments

On Feb. 6, President Donald Trump expressed his appreciation for the positive comments made on his State of the Union Address.
“I just want to say that I was very honored by the statements made about the speech last night. We worked hard on it and we love our country. Because it’s very important—I think it was very important for me to get up and say some powerful words, also some loving words, and also some words of compromise and it’s been very well received. The speech, I think, has been very well received and I think that in some cases incredibly well-received and I just want to thank all of those people that said such nice things about the job we did last night.”

250 Troops Headed to Border Ahead of Caravan

More than 250 military personnel are leaving the U.S. border in Arizona for a new mission in Texas.

The Pentagon said the movement of troops is in response to a new caravan of migrants.

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said two thousand migrants have arrived in Northern Mexico as part of a “caravan” and want to cross into Texas.

President Trump brought up the caravan during his State of the Union Address Tuesday night, and mentioned his deployment of additional troops to the southern border.

Border patrol set barb wires as part of the border security enhancement. border crossing point near Tijuana, Mexico, on Jan. 30, 2019 (images via Reuters)
Border patrol set barb wires as part of the border security enhancement. border crossing point near Tijuana, Mexico, on Jan. 30, 2019 (images via Reuters)

Study: U.S. Adults Are Sitting Too Much

We all know that sitting too much is bad for our health, but just how many hours do we spend sitting each day? A recent study says the answer, for many of us, is more than we should.

Dr. Donald Ford from Cleveland Clinic said: “One in four people sit greater than eight hours a day. Four in ten are physically inactive. And one in ten, are both—they sit for more than eight hours, and they’re physically inactive.”

Researchers found that the highest percentage of adults reported sitting for somewhere between six and eight hours a day, but also said they were inactive. Sufficient exercise was defined as at least one-hundred fifty to three-hundred minutes of moderate to intense exercise per week.

Doctor ford says the real danger is when people sit all day at work, and then go home and don’t exercise. He says you really have to put the effort in to make sure you’re getting your heart up if you want to see positive effects on your health.

An employee sitting long hours in front of computer, which is likely to bring health issue among U.S. adults. (image via Fox News)
An employee sitting long hours in front of computer, which is likely to bring health issue among U.S. adults. (image via Fox News)