Video: These Grandmas Are Living Proof You’re Never Too Old to Dance

Epoch Video

When one thinks of a grandma, the last thing that they would be considering is a bunch of grandmothers breaking down, dancing. However, these two old ladies in Nottingham were ready to break that stereotype in front of a ton of shoppers.

These ladies, one in gray hair and a short dress, and one in a sweater and a hat, show everyone their moves as pop music blares in the background. At one point, the gray-haired grandma does a flip, which caused many people to chuckle as the lady tried to upright herself.

Soon afterwards, she was right back up on her feet, swaying her hips and clapping her hands together. This shows that not even age will get these two women to stop dancing.

Later on in the video, they show some other old people who were dancing as well, such as an old man who was dancing to music that was happening in the background. One was of a 92 year old women who was dancing the tango on her birthday.

Dancing is a great way for a lot of people to get a good amount of exercising. It is also fun, which means it is more likely to cause you to destress and make you happier in the long term. As many old people have issues with being or feeling alone in their old age, dancing is a great way to get their spirits up and get them to be happy and relaxed.

It also shows that just because you are old, it does that mean that you have to stop doing what you love. Life is far too short to stop, for many people, they will keep going up until they can’t anymore. And if it makes them happy, then why shouldn’t they be able to?

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