Video That Claims to Show to How to Make Unlimited Chocolate Is Just a Visual Trick

An online video purportedly shows how to cut your chocolate bar in a way that magically produces an extra piece. The video shows a 16-block chocolate bar cut into 6 different geometric shapes, then rearranged so that you get the original dimensions of the original chocolate bar, but you get one block left over.
Jonathan Zhou

An online video purportedly shows how to cut your chocolate bar in a way that magically produces an extra piece. 

The video shows a 16-block chocolate bar cut into 6 different geometric shapes, then rearranged so that you get the original dimensions of the original chocolate bar, but you get one block left over. 

 Many were genuinely impressed by the video. 

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Others were dissatisfied that “unlimited” was false advertising; you'd only get one extra piece!

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The video actually relies on a very old visual trick, also known as the “missing square puzzle,” where geometric shapes are rearranged to give the impression that a square is magically removed or added.

In reality, the area of the chocolate bar is conserved, but the angle of the pieces are matched in such a way that they give the appearance of an extra block.

The “unlimited chocolate” trick operates by the same principle. Unfortunately, you won’t even be able to get one extra piece, much less “unlimited” chocolate. 

Jonathan Zhou is a tech reporter who has written about drones, artificial intelligence, and space exploration.
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