Cruz Responds to Trump, Calling Him a ‘Sniveling Coward,’ for Attacking His Wife

The scuffle between the two leading Republican presidential candidates over their wives took a turn for the worst on Wednesday, as Ted Cruz unleashed some of his harshest words for Donald Trump thus far in the campaign.
Jonathan Zhou

The verbal scuffle between the two leading Republican presidential candidates over their wives took a turn for the worst on Wednesday, as Ted Cruz unleashed some of his harshest words for Donald Trump yet in the campaign. 

I don't get angry often, but if you mess with my wife, that will do it every time.
Ted Cruz

This is the second day of the campaign saga involving the candidates’ wives. Previously, Trump had threatened to “spill the beans” on Cruz’s wife, provoking Cruz to call Trump a “coward” in turn. 

Nationwide, Donald Trump leads Ted Cruz 43 to 30 in the polls, with John Kasich trailing at a distant third of 19, according to Real Clear Politics. 

Jonathan Zhou is a tech reporter who has written about drones, artificial intelligence, and space exploration.
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