Video Shows Motorist Driving Along Flooded Road as Waves Crash Over Car


A video shot by Adam Lobb in the English coastal town of Penzance, shows a driver driving through a water-filled road in the midst of a storm that hit on April 10.

It was reported that the flood ripped off roofs and flooded homes and hotels.

But this brave man did not let that stop him as he continued to drive through the flooded area known as the Abbey Slip.

I was shocked and kind of speechless.
Adam Lobb

According to Yahoo News, Lobb thought he was going to have to intervene and help the motorist, who ended up stopping midway and almost getting dragged off the road when a huge wave came gushing through.

“He thought the water was more shallow than it was, he’s not some idiot that was going for a thrill, he just didn’t expect it to be that bad,” Lobb said.

Overall, the driver was OK, according to Lobb. “I was shocked and kind of speechless,” he said.