Video: Alligator Pays South Carolina Family a Late Night Visit


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One South Carolina family recently had an unexpected and probably unwelcome visitor.

During the late evening of May 8, Shatrina Greenwood found an alligator on her front porch in Conway, South Carolina.

Greenwood initially thought loud thumping noises were her yellow Labrador against her front door.

Looking out her window, Greenwood saw a large alligator relaxing on her doorstep. She proceeded to scream and call the authorities. 

Emergence services directed Greenwood’s 911 call to alligator wrangler, Russell Cavender. It took over an hour for Cavender to arrive.

By the time he did, Greenwood and her friends and family also at the residence named their new-found scaly friend “Alex Bobby.” 

During the encounter, the gator rolls repeatedly, and emits bone-chilling, other-worldly growls.

When Cavender begins to engage the reptile, guttural hissing noises can be heard on the video. 

Cavender told Greenwood that the 250-pound gator was “chunky.”

Speaking with local news, Cavender said the alligator measured just under 8 and a half feet, with 10 inches missing from his tail. Cavender hypothesized that the gator was fleeing from a possible 12-foot gator. 

After an hour Cavender managed to wrangle the gator. It was not without a price though; the alligator’s struggles damaged a portion of Greenwood’s property and left Cavender with minor cuts and bruises.