Venture to Train Journalists in Saving Lives Calls for Donations

Venture to Train Journalists in Saving Lives Calls for Donations


Sebastian Junger’s Reporters Instructed in Saving Colleagues (RISC) has had a busy year. Junger, a war reporter, started RISC after his colleague and close friend Tim Hetherington died from injuries sustained while working in Libya in early 2011. Photographer Chris Hondros, who was with Hetherington, was also killed.

Earlier this year, Junger said in an interview that Hetherington didn’t have to die from the injuries he sustained.

RISC trains freelance journalists in battlefield medicine, and sends every trainee away with a field kit to take with them when working. Their first training session was last April, and now RISC is raising funds through Global Giving to send more journalists through the course. With only a few days left until the end of the 1-month campaign, RISC has raised almost $17,000. The original goal amount was $4,000.

In an email to friends and colleagues about the campaign in early September, Junger stated: