Vendors Forced to Dump Large Quantities of Fruits Due to Slow Sales

Olivia Li

Video 1:

Location: Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province, China

In a wholesale fruit market in Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province, sales are sluggish as a result of the coronavirus crisis. Vendors have to rent a forklift to dump unsold fruits, while residents under lockdown have no access to meat, eggs, or fruits.

Woman in the background: Look, this is the situation in Liaoyuan City’s wholesale fruit market. Large quantities of fruits have to be dumped. These are all pears that cannot be sold. Vendors rented a forklift to load them on a truck to dump them. Find out what the coronavirus epidemic has brought to us. We cannot sell these fruits and have to use a forklift to take them away. These pears are dumped bucket after bucket. It really breaks my heart. -

Video 2:

Location: Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China

Background: Chinese authorities ordered grocery stores in Wuhan to sell pork at 10 Yuan ($1.44) per pound. However, when community staff went to local stores to purchase the affordable meat for residents in their communities, they were disappointed.

Woman in the background: We are here at the Baisheng Warehouse Store. Let me show you how long the line is. We arrived around 10 a.m. today. All people who are in line here are community staff. As for the so-called “10-yuan per pound meat” under the new state policy, the staff at the store have told us that, only the first 20 people will be able to get it. So, everyone, I am sorry, I won’t be able to get this meat for you guys.