UN Wants Another Half a Billion Dollars for Pakistan

The UN is asking for another half billion dollars or more for the 21 million Pakistanis threatened by the floods.
UN Wants Another Half a Billion Dollars for Pakistan
After the United Nations gathered almost $460 million last month for Pakistan, the organization is asking for another half billion dollars or more for the 21 million Pakistanis threatened by the floods.

“It will be substantially more than the original appeal,” said Undersecretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Valerie Amos at a news conference in New York Wednesday. Officials will reveal the exact figure needed at the appeal’s official launch on Friday.

Amos said that different parts of the country are experiencing different stages of the disaster; the south is still experiencing the spreading of the floods “and a new disaster is happening literally every day.”

In addition to killing some 2,000 people, the floods have left some 21 million others homeless, suffering from malnutrition, and at risk of epidemics.