Two Women Risked Being Stoned to Death so This Footage From the ISIS Capital Could Be Seen by the World

Two Women Risked Being Stoned to Death so This Footage From the ISIS Capital Could Be Seen by the World
Epoch Newsroom

Two brave women risked their lives filming inside the capital of terror group ISIS to try to expose what’s been going on there.

The women, using the aliases Om Omran and Om Mohammad, utilized hidden cameras to capture the footage inside al-Raqqah. 

They later provided the video to Expressen

We want the world to know.

“We want the world to know,” they said, then explaining how the city was taken over by the Islamic State, or ISIS.

“It was one o‘clock in the afternoon. I was at the window. I looked out and saw people wearing black, carrying black flags. They shouted and screamed ’Allāhu Akbar!' The next day, the Battle of Raqqa was over,” Mohammad explained.

Anyone unwilling to switch sides, after the battle, was executed. Many members of the Free Syrian Army chose to die in the Euphrates River rather than be captured. 

Before ISIS took over the city, Omran and Mohammad held well-paying jobs and enjoyed relative freedom. Now they must be accompanied by a man to go outside, and must wear a double-layered burqa and gloves.

If people are caught disobeying these or any of the other new laws, they’re punished in a gruesome manner. 

Some bodies are laid out on the road. Then they force cars to drive over them until there's nothing left of the body.
Om Mohammad

“Some bodies are laid out on the road. Then they force cars to drive over them until there’s nothing left of the body. The body becomes like a rag,” said Mohammad.

Things are bleak for almost everyone, with many people selling their blood just to make enough money to survive. Schools have all but shut down, and people only go outside when they need to.

But the two women noted that attacks by foreign countries on the capital are making a difference, striking fear in ISIS terrorists.

The women still reside in al-Raqqah but are planning to escape soon.