Trump Supporters on the Reasons They Vote for Him

Penny Zhou
When President Donald Trump launched his re-election campaign in Orlando, Florida, NTD asked some of the rally attendees why they vote for him. Here are their answers.

‘It’s Trump or Socialism’

Georgia Williams, a retired flight attendant; and Jeff Thompson, an artist; both from Orlando. They told NTD they are happy to see Trump keep up the fight against socialism.
Georgia Williams, a retired flight attendant; and Jeff Thompson, an artist; both from Orlando. They told NTD they are happy to see Trump keep up the fight against socialism.

Georgia Williams, Retired Flight Attendant

“I’ve been going to Russia since ‘91—and all of the ex-Soviet countries—and I see what socialism does. They look pretty from the outside, but they got a million kids in orphanages just starving to death,” Williams said. “They didn’t even have underwear when we first went there. So I know what socialism does, and I’m so scared that we got young people to believe that will be a better way.

“Even the Nazis are socialists. They just didn’t want Russia to control it. They wanted Germany to control everything. It’s a scary thing.

“Well, I think pray. Pray for America I pray for our president. I wish he had the courage to tell what is happening and just go for it, because he is 70-some years old and his legacy will be to fight for America.”

Jeff Thompson, Artist

“It’s Trump or socialism. 100 million Marxists in 100 years. Americans don’t want to be socialism,” Thompson said. “I am so grateful that he even wants to run again. It’s like he is fighting the world. He is a 70-some year old man.”
Victoria Perlaza, a real estate agent and immigrant from Colombia told NTD that though many in her family don't talk about it publicly, they will vote for Trump.
Victoria Perlaza, a real estate agent and immigrant from Colombia told NTD that though many in her family don't talk about it publicly, they will vote for Trump.

Victoria Perlaza, Real estate agent. Immigrant from Colombia

“I was independent for many years but I voted for Obama the first time. He didn’t do anything for our country,” Perlaza said. “And he actually brought all of the division we have here in our country right now. [Because] he’s using the colors, the nationalities, the races. He used all that stuff to divide our country. We were not a racist country here. But now we saw that he changed [it] completely. All of the Democrats, they are for—not inclusion, but—division. And that’s not right.

“He [Trump] is trying to save America from socialism. Because socialism is a disease. People cannot pretend that they wanted to get anything for free. We got to work for the things that we have.

“I am a single mother, I am divorced with three kids and I supported my three kids on my own without asking the government for any help. We gotta work for the things that we want.

“This is the best country in the world. And I love America.

“First of all, I want him to finish with the wall. Very tall, tall, tall, and strong. All of the things that he has achieved so far, it’s gonna be even better. And I know we are gonna win because there are so many people that have walked away from the plantation. So I’m positive that we will win one more time.

“All the Hispanics, the black community, the Asians ... I have a lot of Asians in my family as well. They are all for Trump. A lot of people do not like to talk about it because they get a lot of enemies. Family members and friends will ‘unfriend’ them. But I think they are just gonna come outside, and come out of the closet, I should say. They are coming out of the plantation and they are gonna vote for Trump. They know that he has done a lot of things for the country.”

Steve Weiler talked about the challenges he has faced for being a Trump supporter.
Steve Weiler talked about the challenges he has faced for being a Trump supporter.

Steve Weiler, Uber Driver

“April 23 of last year I got a phone call from Uber; and Uber said ‘We don’t have a problem with you, but the city of Charlotte don’t want you in their city doing business no more, until you get rid of the Trump 2020 sticker.’

“They try to corner me. ‘Take your sticker out, and we will let you come back into Charlotte to do your business.’ But they just totally said, ‘You are done.’ They made Uber and Lyft fire me.

“I just want the patriots to know when you come to Charlotte, be a Trumper. Don’t let these people intimidate you coz that’s what they are trying to do. They want to bully you.

“‘I don’t care if you don’t like me,’ and that’s what president Trump says, ‘but I’m still gonna be good to you, because that’s what’s God intended.’ When you [are] good to people, it comes back tenfold. But when you show your narcissism and your racism toward other human beings ... Mr. Trump is not like that whatsoever.

“He is a believer. The first is love for God, the love for his country, the love for human beings. Whether you are white, black, green, purple—no matter what you are—he is gonna be good to you,” Weiler said.

Penny Zhou is a senior special report producer for NTD based at the network's global headquarters in New York City. Penny has produced and directed NTD Original documentaries, including the award-winning documentary, "Hollywood Takeover: China's Control in the Film Industry." Penny previously worked as a correspondent for NTD covering China news.
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