Trump: Pandemic Is ‘Rounding the Turn’

NTD Television

President Donald Trump on Sunday met with supporters at Treworgy Orchards, a farm in Maine. It’s where he hopes to win one or more of the state’s four electoral votes. The day before, he held  three  large  rallies  in North Carolina, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

Also on Sunday, he rallied crowds in New Hampshire. Speaking of his numerous campaign rallies over the weekend, he said: “There’s a lot of love here. It’s easy when there’s a lot of love.” He added, “I don’t mind doing it.”

He assured the airport crowd that the pandemic was “rounding the turn” and the vaccines in development would help the return to normal life.

He reasserted a statement he’s made previously, that “the cure cannot be worse than the problem itself.”

The president’s remarks came as the United States on Sunday marked a daily high in confirmed cases of COVID-19, the disease caused by the CCP virus, but no major change in the number of deaths.
From NTD News