Trump Gives Updates on Operation Warp Speed


President Donald Trump gave updates on the status of American-made vaccines. They’ve been developed under Operation Warp Speed, a project founded just 6 months ago to help prevent infections. According to Trump, vaccine development is progressing 5 times faster than the previous record.

“As a result of Operation Warp Speed, Pfizer announced on Monday that its China virus vaccine is more than 90 percent effective. This far exceeds any and all expectations. Nobody thought they'd get to that level,” said Trump.

The president went on to say that in July, the White House had an agreement with drug maker Pfizer to provide nearly $2 billion to distribute 100 million doses, plus the option to purchase 600 million more doses after. Operation Warp Speed will allow these vaccines to be provided free of charge.

President Trump said they will work to secure emergency use authorizations and coordinate distributions very quickly so they can distribute vaccines to front-line workers, the elderly, and high-risk Americans in a matter of weeks.

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