Trump Campaign Files Lawsuit in New Mexico

NTD Television

The Trump Campaign filed another lawsuit over the 2020 election in New Mexico. The campaign accuses the state of allowing the use of drop boxes which could’ve led to voting irregularities.

In the New Mexico Republican Party’s statement, the Trump Campaign alleges that New Mexico’s Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver violated state election laws for not handing ballots to a presiding election judge. Instead, she allowed voters to put their absentee ballots in drop boxes outside polling locations.

One of the purposes of having drop boxes is to prevent overcrowding at polling locations. But New Mexico’s Republican Party said these drop boxes should’ve been placed within precinct boundaries, and monitored at all times. They said there’s no telling how many of the boxes contain invalid ballots.

In the suit, the Trump Campaign demands New Mexico delay the certification of its election results. Alternatively, it asks the court to order the state’s legislature to appoint electors.

The legal team is also asking the judge to mandate a state-wide canvass of absentee votes and requesting the court separates ballots turned in at drop boxes and investigates each location of the drop box to determine whether the procedure was followed. Adding that those ballots should be excluded from the vote count if the boxes violated rules.