Trump, Biden Supporters Face Off in Philly

NTD Television

Supporters of President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden supporters faced off in downtown Philadelphia on Thursday. Tensions rose as ballot counting dragged on, two days after the polls closed.

New Jersey resident Jackie says won’t accept what’s going on, and neither should the other side.

“It is despicable what they did on Election Night. The mainstream media took over the narrative. They shut down the counting of the voting because they knew Trump was winning. They shut it down, and then they started counting invalid ballots,” she said. “If they know that there was cheating going on, they shouldn’t accept it either. It’s unacceptable as Americans. It’s unpatriotic, it’s un-American, and we will not tolerate it.”

Meanwhile, Biden supporters are also concerned about the integrity of the election. Their message—count every vote.

One Philadelphia resident said, “It’s important that every vote is counted, every vote. It matters. It makes a difference in every vote should be counted. Absolutely, absolutely.”

Hundreds of thousands of ballots were still left to count in Pennsylvania Thursday.

The state’s election chief says it’s a very close race, meaning it’ll take longer to see who the winner is.