President Donald Trump mentioned two of the top Democratic front-runners when asked who he prefers to face in 2020, but said they both look worn down.
Trump spoke with Telemundo in an interview that’s slated to air on the night of June 20.
Trump mentioned Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and former vice president Joe Biden. But he said that both seem worn down from the campaign trail.
“Bernie, Bernie looks like he’s had it,” Trump said of the 76-year-old. “Bernie looks crazy, but he always did. But he looks like a tired crazy right now.”
Biden “looks like he’s just exhausted,” Trump added.
“I don’t know what happened to him but he is exhausted and he doesn’t do any work, he’s not working,” Trump added. “One thing I found out about this job, to do it right, and I’ve done it right—you have to work hard.”
Trump, 72, has recently taken aim at the 77-year-old Biden, who is the Democratic front-runner according to the latest polls.

“It looks like he’s failing, it looks like his friends from the left are going to overtake him pretty soon.”
Trump said that Biden “is a different guy” who “looks different than he used to” and “acts different than he used to.”
He said he'd prefer to run against Biden versus any of the other Democratic candidates.
“I’d rather run against, I think, Biden than anybody. I think he’s the weakest mentally and I think Joe is weak mentally. The others have much more energy,” Trump said. “I call him ‘1 percent Joe’ because until Obama came along he didn’t do very well.”
The remarks came hours prior to a speech Biden gave slamming Trump. He has said that Trump isn’t doing a good job as president.

The latest criticism came over the Trump administration’s stance towards Iran.
Relations between Iran and America have been tense during the Trump administration after the president exited a nuclear pact that was made by former President Barack Obama without the ratification of Congress.
“Trump also promised that walking away would somehow lead to a better deal—instead, the predictable has happened: Iran is building back up its nuclear capability,” Biden said in the statement. “It’s sadly ironic that the State Department is now calling on Iran to abide by the very deal the Trump administration abandoned.”