Trudeau Overwhelms Garneau

Former astronaut Marc Garneau announces he is quitting the federal Liberal party leadership race at a news conference on Parliament Hill Wednesday.
Trudeau Overwhelms Garneau
Matthew Little

Marc Garneau, largely seen as Justin Trudeau’s biggest challenger in the Liberal leadership race, bowed out Wednesday and threw his support behind what he described as Trudeau’s inevitable leadership.

“I entered this race believing that I had a chance to win. The odds were long but not impossible,” said Garneau, a former astronaut.

“But it is my opinion now, based on internal analysis, that the party has chosen. Justin must be commended for contributing to renewed interest in the Liberal Party of Canada.”

Garneau pledged his allegiance to the party and Trudeau’s leadership, promising to be a “loyal soldier” who would be around for years to come.

During the race, Garneau criticized Trudeau’s campaign for a lack of policy and not spelling out where exactly he would lead the party or Canada should he become prime minister. He also suggested that Trudeau lacked relevant experience.

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