Tribute and Remembrance: U.S. World War II Combat Veterans Honored by France

It took 69 years. Add that to the age of twenty year olds that were among the 160,000 troops that fought their way ashore on June 6, 1944, on Normandy beaches to gain a foothold against Nazi tyranny and the legion of aged finally honored by France can be understood.
Tribute and Remembrance: U.S. World War II Combat Veterans Honored by France
U.S. combat veteran Frank Alessi proudly wearing his Legion of Honor medal, holding a bottle of French Champagne to celebrate the event with his daughter (in red) Marlene Shitts, next to Alessi in flower shirt and hat is his French friend from Prades, himself a veteran of the Algerian War, Claude Rivoire. The woman in black is their friend Jeanne Marie Mangino and next to her in white is their friend Suzie Vitart, formerly of Paris now living in Lesureville in Boynton Beach. French people paid tribute to the courage and sacrifice of U.S. servicemen that landed in Normandy on D Day and fought to liberate France and Europe . (John Christopher Fine copyright 2013)
<a href=""><img class="size-large wp-image-358656" src="" alt="French Air Force Lieutenant Colonel decorating veteran with France's highest honor, the Legion of Honor, at the Boynton Beach Civic Center. (John Christopher Fine copyright 2013)" width="590" height="393"/></a>
French Air Force Lieutenant Colonel decorating veteran with France's highest honor, the Legion of Honor, at the Boynton Beach Civic Center. (John Christopher Fine copyright 2013)

It took 69 years. Add that to the age of twenty year olds that were among the 160,000 troops that fought their way ashore on June 6, 1944, on Normandy beaches to gain a foothold against Nazi tyranny and the legion of aged finally honored by France can be understood.

Boynton Beach is only a small city on Florida’s Atlantic coast. Its thriving retirement community basks in winter sunshine where seniors enjoy fair weather year around. The large population of older Americans can participate in active veterans groups of American Legion posts, Disabled American Veterans, Jewish War Veterans, Veterans of Foreign Wars and other community organizations dedicated to respecting Constitutional guarantees of freedom and those that serve to protect it during peace and war.

The city’s Civic Center, an older building in a quiet, tree lined downtown area near City Hall was chosen for a solemn ceremony. On a Thursday at the end of February 2013, the President and people of France honored U.S. combat veterans that saved them from Nazi occupation and redeemed the world from the horrors of an evil regime of terror.

The French Legion of Honor, or correctly the Ordre National de la Legion d'Honneur, was created in 1802 by Napoleon Bonaparte. The French Revolution abolished royalty and rank, however, as First Consul, Napoleon wanted an order of commendation for members of the military and civilians. Foreigners can be awarded the decoration for distinguished service to France.

<a href=""><img class="size-large wp-image-358661" src="" alt="U.S. World War II combat veterans with their Legion of Honor medals after the presentation ceremony at the Boynton Beach Civic Center. (John Christopher Fine copyright 2013)" width="590" height="393"/></a>
U.S. World War II combat veterans with their Legion of Honor medals after the presentation ceremony at the Boynton Beach Civic Center. (John Christopher Fine copyright 2013)

French Consul General Gael de Maisonneuve accompanied by French Marine Captain Philippe Petitdidier and French Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Francis Blandid presented medals to some 50 U.S. combat veterans. Badges of the five-armed Maltese asterisk were arrayed on a table. With each would come a letter of commendation and a certificate. The white enameled crosses set off with enameled laurel and oak wreaths and the head of a woman, dubbed Marianne, surrounded by the legend Republique Francaise were magnificently arrayed. It was only later that each recipient was also presented with a bottle of Champagne as well to celebrate the decoration and the special tribute.

As the names of the aged veterans were called out, their birth year was announced by the French Consul General. One was born in 1919, a 25-year old during the D-day invasion of Normandy. He is now a 94-year old, fit and able enough to get off his metal folding chair and walk to the podium to have the red ribbon supporting the decoration pinned to his suit.

<a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-358660" src="" alt="The French Legion of Honor medal presented to U.S. veterans was created by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1802, to award military and civilians. (John Christopher Fine copyright 2013)" width="634" height="1200"/></a>
The French Legion of Honor medal presented to U.S. veterans was created by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1802, to award military and civilians. (John Christopher Fine copyright 2013)

Some were in wheelchairs, some used walkers, some required a helping hand from brothers in arms. All of the American veterans were proud and quietly content that their heroism so long ago was being recognized by a grateful nation that has not forgotten the sacrifice these young men made to the cause of liberty and liberation of Europe from the grip of oppression.

Allied Commander Dwight D. Eisenhower declared that “We will accept nothing less than a full victory,” before a bombardment was commenced to weaken entrenched Nazi forces on the heights above invasion beaches in Normandy. General Eisenhower ordered 160,000 men ashore along a 50-mile stretch of Atlantic beach front. On that day alone, June 6, 1944, 9,000 soldiers were killed or wounded. The invasion of Normandy began the military push to rid France and Europe of the scourge of Nazi occupation.

Even the children of these courageous men, finally honored in Boynton Beach, were aging. Their grand children were mostly adults. They posed for pictures as the decorations were pinned on suit coats. Each man impeccably dressed for the occasion despite, in some cases, infirmity of old age or illness. All with dignity and humility. Brave deeds done in their youth, then mostly forgotten. Uniforms and military decorations put in trunks and attics as post-war America went back to routine and veterans were assimilated into the workforce.

<a href=""><img class="size-large wp-image-358655" src="" alt="U.S. combat veteran Frank Alessi proudly wearing his Legion of Honor medal, holding a bottle of French Champagne to celebrate the event with his daughter (in red) Marlene Shitts, next to Alessi in flower shirt and hat is his French friend from Prades, himself a veteran of the Algerian War, Claude Rivoire. The woman in black is their friend Jeanne Marie Mangino and next to her in white is their friend Suzie Vitart, formerly of Paris now living in Lesureville in Boynton Beach. French people paid tribute to the courage and sacrifice of U.S. servicemen that landed in Normandy on D Day and fought to liberate France and Europe . (John Christopher Fine copyright 2013)" width="590" height="309"/></a>
U.S. combat veteran Frank Alessi proudly wearing his Legion of Honor medal, holding a bottle of French Champagne to celebrate the event with his daughter (in red) Marlene Shitts, next to Alessi in flower shirt and hat is his French friend from Prades, himself a veteran of the Algerian War, Claude Rivoire. The woman in black is their friend Jeanne Marie Mangino and next to her in white is their friend Suzie Vitart, formerly of Paris now living in Lesureville in Boynton Beach. French people paid tribute to the courage and sacrifice of U.S. servicemen that landed in Normandy on D Day and fought to liberate France and Europe . (John Christopher Fine copyright 2013)

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