Trains Suspended and Numerous Residents Quarantined in Mudanjiang City

Olivia Li
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The Heilongjiang Health Committee reported that 5 new cases of asymptomatic CCP virus infections were identified in Mudanjiang City on May 26. The subsequent screening tests found that all five people got infected through coming into contact with other asymptomatic virus carriers. All trains at Mudanjiang Station were suspended on the following day. Passengers who had purchased tickets had to cancel and get a refund.

Woman: When were the trains suspended and when are you going to resume? Staff: I don’t know. We will wait for further instructions. Woman: No trains today, right?

Which community is this? Greenland Victory. So a bus just took away some residents from the Greenland Victory community. Actually, here comes another bus. Two buses loaded with people, taken to be quarantined.