US Police Gets Training How to Deal with Dogs (Video)

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In response to criticism and lawsuits, police in Wisconsin and elsewhere have begun training officers to recognize when dogs’ actions are nonthreatening or when less-lethal defense might be more effective.


According to the research half of all intentional shootings in US involve dogs. Council, department of justice, Save Human Chicago and Chicago’s police department put together a free video with non enforcement tips how to deal with dogs.


Cynthia Bathurst, executive director of Save Human Chicago says that police officers need education and training which they haven’t been provided before.


Among of things which video touches upon is right way how to approach the dog and reading the dog’s body language.


“The last thing we want to do is to shoot dog in situation when the dog is acting aggressively because he is protecting his own home or his owners”, says Thomas Lamb, Chicago Swat Team Seargent.

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