Traffic Warden Cheered for Giving Police Car a Parking Ticket

Epoch Newsroom

A U.K. traffic warden turned the tables on a police officer, writing a parking ticket.

A crowd of people reportedly gathered around and cheered the move.

Artist Graham Rhodes wrote that there were cheers and clapping when the warden placed the ticket on the windshield of the police cruiser. There was much hesitation on his part, however, Rhodes said.

“It felt like I was witnessing karma in action. It was a really odd situation where people weren’t sure whose side they were on,” he told the Mirror. “I could see the warden thinking about it from outside the front of my shop. He made a couple of calls and was clearly checking something on his phone.”

He added: “He actually went away and booked a couple of other cars while he figured out what to do.

“There was a bit of a crowd gathering so I went down for a closer look. When he finally issued the ticket there was a round of applause.

“I think people were just pleased to see that the rules were applied [as] equally to the police as with anyone else. There was no bias.

“It was a strange atmosphere because normally people wouldn’t take a traffic warden’s side, but this time they did.”

South Yorkshire Police, however, said that the ticket was overturned because emergency vehicles were permitted in the parking lot.