Really Bizarre Stories That Happened on Friday the 13th

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It’s Friday the 13th, and it’s time for everyone to panic! There is actually a name for being scared of this day, called Friggatriskaidekaphobia. Who knew! Here are the 3 freaky stories that have happened on this day.

Story 1

This story dates back to 1989, the “Dooms Day of Electronics”. On this day, a virus “infected hundreds of IBM computers across Great Britain, wiping out program files and causing considerable anxiety at a time when large-scale computer viruses were a relatively new threat,” says Live Science. If this happened today, we would panic too.

Story 2

On September 13, 1989, the legendary rapper Tupac Shakur passed away at age 25. He was shot four times on September 7th but he didn’t pass away until the 13th.

Story 3

Overnight, a construction worker was trapped for 8 hours with mud up to his chest. He was replacing a water line until he fell 15 feet into the ground. Luckly, fire fighters came to rescue him and there was a happy ending on that day.

Are you still not freaked out? Tonight there will  be a full moon, an event that won’t happen again until 2049. And you can go grab your popcorn to watch Friday the 13th for an even greater thrill.


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