Thousands in Georgia Used False Address: Researcher

NTD Television

According to a researcher, thousands of people registered and voted in Georgia using addresses of postal facilities or businesses—but they made it look like they were residential addresses.

Former Trump campaign data and strategy director, Matt Braynard, writes, “We have identified over a thousand early/absent votes cast by individuals whose registered addresses are in fact at post offices, UPS, and FedEx locations, willfully disguising the box numbers as ‘Apt,’ ‘Unit,’ etc.”

He published a sample of the addresses. They also found a thousand votes cast from commercial addresses. He added that voters listed these places as their residential addresses—not mailing addresses. He said nearly all of them used an absentee ballot to vote.

Georgia election law says your residential address must be the place you actually live. Anyone who “knowingly gives false information when registering as an elector” can be charged with a felony and put in prison for up to 10 years or fined up to $100,000.