Those Are Google’s Top 127 Android Apps

If you were gifted a new Android device last week for Christmas and you’re having trouble figuring out where to begin, today is your lucky day. In fact, even if you’re a seasoned Android veteran, today is still your lucky day because Google has gone through the hundreds of thousands of apps in its Google Play app store and cherry picked the cream of the crop. The result is a list of 127 Android apps that Google has deemed to be “must-have” apps, and old and new Android users alike should check them all out.
Those Are Google’s Top 127 Android Apps
Android 5.1 Lollipop was released this week for most Google Nexus devices, including the Nexus 6, Nexus 5, Nexus 7, and Nexus 10. (Jewel Samad/AFP/Getty Images)

If you were gifted a new Android device last week for Christmas and you’re having trouble figuring out where to begin, today is your lucky day.

In fact, even if you’re a seasoned Android veteran, today is still your lucky day because Google has gone through the hundreds of thousands of apps in its Google Play app store and cherry picked the cream of the crop. The result is a list of 127 Android apps that Google has deemed to be “must-have” apps, and old and new Android users alike should check them all out.

The best part, by the way, is that they’re almost all completely free.

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With more than 1 million apps in Google’s Android app store, finding the best apps that Google’s popular mobile platform has to offer can be a chore. Actually, that’s putting it very mildly… it can be a huge pain in the butt.

Here on BGR, we regularly highlight Android apps that we think shine brighter than most, and we have shown you plenty of awesome apps over the years that we think are must-haves. When Google takes the time to put together its own list of must-have Android apps, however, it’s definitely worth checking out.


Google’s list is packed full of terrific apps. Some of them are applications that almost everyone with an Android phone will have already heard of, such as the Netflix app, the eBay app and Google’s own YouTube app. Others are less popular but still staples among most Android users.

Then, there are a handful of apps that you might not have already come across, but you'll be very happy that you’re finding them now.

Google’s full list of 127 must-have Android apps can be found here.

Republished with permission from BGRRead the original