This Volkswagen Ad Saved the Lives of 100 Cinemagoers - Watch How

This is not what these cinemagoers in Hongkong had expected. The screen showed the view of a driver sitting behind the wheel, driving down a very long, straight road.
This Volkswagen Ad Saved the Lives of 100 Cinemagoers - Watch How
The Volkswagen Ad 'Eyes On The Road' went viral - it shows how cinemagoers in Hongkong were made aware of the dangers of using mobile devices while driving in a very drastic way. Screenshot Youtube

This is not what these cinemagoers in Hongkong had expected. The screen showed the view of a driver sitting behind the wheel, driving down a very long, straight road. 

Then an SMS message is pushed to the phones of all the people in the cinema. They all go scrambling for their phones to check for the incoming message, when suddenly a huge crash happens on the screen. Followed by the safety message: ‘A reminder to keep your eyes on the road’.

The ad went viral soon after being published. The whole event was put in scene by the advertising agency Ogilvy and has accrued more than 5 million clicks on YouTube.

Watch the Video now: