This Simple Test Has Stumped a Number of People

This Simple Test Has Stumped a Number of People
Epoch Newsroom

The test seems pretty straightforward at first, but by the end you'll likely be wondering how that just happened.

Most people’s answer will leave them wondering just how the whole thing works. 

Now take it and see what you get. 



Now for those wondering, the test reportedly originated on a website called Smelly Bean.

Cognitive Daily looked into the results, and claimed that the 98 percent is stretching the truth.

But it did add that most people do think of at least one of “red” or “hammer.”

“Adults tend to associate the color red with anger. Being asked to do a series of pointless arithmetic problems in your head may also make you angry, so this test might lead to a disproportionate ’red' response,” it said.

“What about ‘hammer’? My guess is that hammer is just the most commonly thought of tool--it’s almost the prototypical tool.”