This Photo Posted on MAC Cosmetics’ Instagram Page Brought Out The Racist Trolls

This Photo Posted on MAC Cosmetics’ Instagram Page Brought Out The Racist Trolls
Epoch Newsroom

MAC Cosmetics got a slew of unexpected racist comments on its Instagram page after posting a picture of a black model’s lips with its lipstick.

The model was wearing MAC’s “Matte Royal” lip color at the New York Fashion Week on Wednesday night, Feb. 17.

One user commented, “[Racist slur] lips?” While another wrote they were “fish lips,” and another person said, “Holy [expletive] I thought this was Jay Z.” Added another: “Wtf r these lips.” There were more, but they were deleted.

The comments were first captured in a screenshot by editor Ashley Alese Edwards.

As I turn 20 in a couple days this is a reminder of what I endured in the past, and if I survived middle school in America, I can get over this.
Maryse Kye