This Is the Most Useful iOS Trick You May Have Never Heard About

Apple’s mobile platform iOS began its life in 2007 as a surprisingly simple operating system
This Is the Most Useful iOS Trick You May Have Never Heard About
(Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Apple’s mobile platform iOS began its life in 2007 as a surprisingly simple operating system. Whereas earlier smartphone platforms were complex to the point of being overbearing, the iPhone stripped away all the bells and whistles, and left the user with only the features he or she needed. Or rather, the features Apple said he or she needed.

Since then, iOS has grown more and more complex as hundreds of new features are added each year. On the plus side, more functionality obviously makes the iPhone more useful and capable each year. But this flood of new features also means that there are some great things you'll never find because they’re buried.

Of course, that’s where we come in.

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We spend a lot of time sharing tips and tricks for the iOS and Android alike, because we want users to get as much as they possibly can out of their devices. Where the iPhone is concerned, we given readers plenty of guidance over the years.

So, for example, this morning I told Siri to “remind me to call Time Warner Cable in 5 minutes.” When the reminder was triggered, here’s how it looked on my lock screen:


Then, a simple swipe to the left opened up the following options:


As you might have guessed, tapping the “Call” button in the notification will launch the Phone app and call the intended contact.

Republished with permission from BGR. Read the original.