NEW YORK—Catherine Abate has held many titles in her esteemed career—lawyer, corrections commissioner, state senator, and her current title, CEO of Community Healthcare Network.
Despite her lengthy resume, Abate is grounded about her accomplishments, “Titles only go so far,” she said from her Flatiron office in early May. “You have to earn people’s respect.”
Respect is something Abate has earned throughout her career, evidenced by the floor-to-ceiling accolades lining one corner of her office.
She credits her family for giving her confidence at an early age. Her father always told her she was good enough to accomplish anything—and strictly reminded her to never put on airs or pretend to be superior.
He encouraged Abate to be a doctor, letting her know there were no barriers for her. “I think for a father who was born in 1902, he was remarkably astute about a woman’s place,” she said. “It was really nice to grow up in an Italian-American family at that time, where your parents believed you could do anything.”
Abate’s parents also never taught her fear, something she considers very fortunate, “So many able people I meet who are smart—much more capable than I am—could achieve so much more, but they are possessed by their fear.”