This Indirect Indicator Tells You How Dire China’s Economic Situation Really Is

This small country in South East Asia tell you more about China than domestic economic indicators
This Indirect Indicator Tells You How Dire China’s Economic Situation Really Is
A currency dealer walks past a screen showing South Korea's benchmark stock index in a trading room at the Korea Exchange Bank in Seoul on July 6, 2015.Jung Yeon-Je/AFP/Getty Images
Valentin Schmid

Forget about the purchasing managers surveys, which tell you industrial activity in China is grinding to a complete halt. Not 7 percent growth, not 6 percent growth—zero growth.

Ok, let’s not completely forget about them. The official survey of purchasing managers in manufacturing for August declined to 49.7 from 50, which signals recession. Another representative survey done by Caixin declined to 47.3, the lowest level since 2009 or the depth of the great recession.

However, the real interesting data about China came out of Korea on Tuesday, Sept. 1. The South East Asian powerhouse reported a complete collapse in trading activity. Exports in August crashed 14.7 percent compared to a year earlier and imports declined 18.3 percent.

The country still logged a positive trade balance of $4.3 billion, but this figure is shrinking fast—not very surprising given the collapsing volume of trade.

Since a quarter of Korean exports go to China, the figure is representative of the slowdown within the Chinese economy. Exports to China are down 8.8 percent over the year, despite a rise of 12 percent in the Chinese yuan over the same period. The stronger currency made imports cheaper and should have spurred demand for Korean products, but it didn’t.  

So even as China’s balance of trade shrinks, the aggregate drop in activity (both imports and exports decline) is causing havoc among its trading partners who are used to shipping vast quantities of raw materials (Brazil, Australia, Canada) or equipment (Korea, Germany, Japan) into China, which then uses the inputs to export a vast amount of consumer goods to the rest of the world.  

Valentin Schmid
Valentin Schmid
Valentin Schmid is a former business editor for the Epoch Times. His areas of expertise include global macroeconomic trends and financial markets, China, and Bitcoin. Before joining the paper in 2012, he worked as a portfolio manager for BNP Paribas in Amsterdam, London, Paris, and Hong Kong.
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