Video: Lucy the Yorkie Picks Toy That’s Twice Her Size at Pet Store, Wins Hearts on the Internet

Epoch Video

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “women love to shop”, and this little Yorkie shows that dogs are no different. The excitement of shopping for this little dog may just remind you of how you, your sibling, your mother, or maybe even how your best friend acts when on a shopping spree. With permission to pick her own toy and full of energy, Lucy is ready to buy her hearts deepest desires, a stuffed lamb.

The little Yorkie has a big personality as she waits impatiently for her toy that is being scanned by the cashier. She prances and jumps in anticipation of the stuffed lamb that she had picked out. When her human finally tosses the lamb, double the size of the small dog, onto the ground, she quickly runs towards it. She picks up her purchase with great pride and trots to the door of the store, ready to take her shopping purchases home.

With politeness and patience, which isn’t easy for a tiny dog carrying a toy three times her size, Lucy maneuvered through the traffic of the parking lot and proudly managed to get her prize to the car. Lucy was ready to get home to the endless fun she was about to have with her new toy.

Credit: ViralHog

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