The Worst Police Sketches of All Time?

The Worst Police Sketches of All Time?

Ever wonder how useful it is to be an eye witness and describe how a suspect looks to a police sketch artist? Here are some drawings that were perhaps less helpful in solving the alleged crimes than intended. Take a look for yourself:

1. There’s a pretty crazy story behind this one.

Town of Geneva Police
Town of Geneva Police

2.  Freddie Mercury?

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3. It’s almost like a cartoon character

Police file photo
Police file photo

 4. They’re looking for a man with chia pet hair 

<a href="" target="_blank">Source</a>

5.  He’s got a hat of secrets

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6. The death stare

<a href="" target="_blank">Source</a>

7.  Wanted: man with incredibly pronounced cheekbones and flowing locks

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8. Oh wow...

Hampshire Police
Hampshire Police

9. Police sketch or drawing done by a kindergartener?

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10. Those are some interesting facial proportions...

<a href="" target="_blank">Source</a>

11. Believe it or not, they actually identified this guy

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Lamar County Sheriff's Department
Lamar County Sheriff's Department

12. The faceless culprit. Good luck, guys.

<a href="" target="_blank">Source</a>

13. Have you ever seen a full face beard? Apparently this guy had one.

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14.  Oh dear.

Leadington Police Department
Leadington Police Department

15. Now THAT'S some crazy hair!

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Snellville Police
Snellville Police

16. Something looks slightly off with this one... 


 17. They actually used this to convict a man of bank robbery.

18. Is that a scarf? Triple chin? A turtle neck? 

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New Castle County Police
New Castle County Police

19. Justin Bieber, is that you?

Sacramento Police
Sacramento Police


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